The Road to Seven

The Growth and Evolution Of Your Business

Shelagh Cummins Episode 182

“I was and am in a period of growth and evolution. It means I'm looking for all the options that are around me.”

- Shelagh Cummins

Have you ever just wanted to burn everything to the ground and start fresh? Friends, that is exactly what I did last year, and in this episode of The Road To Seven Podcast I’m going to tell you exactly what starting fresh did for me.

I gave myself the time and space to pull back from the edge of burnout, so that I could restructure my business from the inside out. That looked like cancelling programs I had been running for months (and years), resetting my offerings, and making sure that I was still financially contributing to my family. 

I wanted to share all of this with you today, because I believe that if you are not happy in your business, then it’s time for your business to change and support the life and dreams that you want to have and achieve. So tune in, because I’ve got a great episode for you today!

In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode of the Road to Seven podcast,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

  •  The sunk cost fallacy of closing down a business
  •  What taking the leap of faith means to get to the next level in your business
  •  How recognizing the edge of burnout can create new opportunities


Highlights:‌ ‌

00:01 Intro  

01:50  Scaling made simple

02:37  The next level in your business  

03:49  Shutting down businesses  

07:10  Letting go with trust  

08:38  The mental space to create  

11:15  True satisfaction 

13:06  My rally cry  

Links:‌ ‌

To work with me and make your next power move, visit: 

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Twitter: @shelaghcummins