The Road to Seven

The Reality Behind Burnout - and what you can do about it.

Shelagh Cummins Episode 165

“There’s such guilt associated with NOT doing.”

- Shelagh Cummins

In 2022, a study conducted by Mental Health Research Canada found that over one-third of Canadians are experiencing burnout. In our busy, hectic, challenging world, burnout can mean the difference between surviving and thriving… especially for entrepreneurs. 

As an entrepreneur, chances are you’re constantly wearing multiple hats and juggling multiple tasks… even if you’ve already begun to build out your team. This level of stress, over time, can have powerful physical and psychological consequences.

If you’re standing at the edge of burnout — or fully struggling with burnout right now — then you won’t want to miss this episode of the Road to Seven. I talk about all things burnout: what it really means, why it happens, and how you can get yourself out of it and back on your path to success!

In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode of the Road to Seven podcast,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

  • The problems with working too frequently outside of your zone of genius  
  • The areas of your life and business where you need to shift in order to avoid hitting the wall
  • The four levels of self care — and the most important aspects that we tend to ignore!    

Highlights:‌ ‌

00:01  Intro

01:40  Why we experience burnout

02:50  Working outside your zone of genius

04:23  Outside responsibilities

05:18  Physical health self care

08:20  Mental health self care

09:44  Emotional health self care

10:57  Spiritual health self care

11:53  7 gears in your business

13:12  Fulfilment, operations & team

14:44  Finances

16:27  Marketing & sales

17:58  Support container

Links:‌ ‌
The Road to Seven Mastermind

To work with me and make your next power move, visit: 


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