The Road to Seven

The Leadership Gap in 6 Figure Women Entrepreneurs

Shelagh Cummins Episode 176

“If you haven't hired people who are going to be key decision makers and have full autonomy over some functioning within your company, then you are never going to be able to let go of the reins and have this company be bigger than you.”

- Shelagh Cummins

Do you feel like you’re stuck on a hamster wheel in your business? Are you giving yourself dozens of reasons why you’re not ready to make crucial hiring decisions, and finding that it backfires on you more often than not? Then this is an episode for you.

I hear entrepreneurs tell me every day that they’re burnt out, or they’re afraid that they won’t have the time freedom they truly want in their business because they’re taking on too many clients, but they won’t take courageous action and make a strategic hire, or make that phone call, or launch that program, that would alleviate all of these fears.

But the reality is, with the right help in the right places, your business can generate more revenue and time freedom for you at the same time – you just have to be willing to lead yourself into letting go of control, and allow other people to come in and help.

In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode of the Road to Seven podcast,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

  • Why you might be stuck on the hamster wheel that is your business
  • The reasons why you might not be hiring to grow your business even though you know you should
  • The excuses we hear most often when it comes to “letting go” of responsibility in your business


Highlights:‌ ‌

00:01  Intro

01:58  The Leadership Gap

04:53  The number one reason we don’t hire

05:58  What leading really means

07:11  Why you’re feeling so burnt out

08:01  Your ability to lead YOU  

10:03  How I can help you get off the hamster wheel  


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